Today we went out on our first adventure. We started off by car to the ancient city of Jerash north of Amman. Jerash(Gerasenes in the Bible) has been inhabited for over 6500 years.
70 years ago excavation began on the Roman city that had been buried in the sand for centuries. These ruins are currently acknowledged as being one of the best preserved Roman provincial towns in the world. Resurrected are both the north and south gates, a grand paved boulevard, two theaters, the forum, temples, bathes, and the hippodrome.
After we finished our tour of the ruins we had our first truly authentic Jordanian meal. We dined on a variety of salads, slaws, relishes, dips, grilled meats, hummus, and flat bread. To drink we had a very sour lemon-aid with mint.
After lunch we drove back into Amman and stop at the Citadel or Jabal al-Qala’a. The site of the original ancient city of Amman dating back to around 1000 BC.
The excavation site has Nabataen, Roman and Byzantine archeological structures.
We finished the day at a small bazaar and picked up a few trinkets.