What are those thing we see as we zoom down the road of life?  Time to slow down, stop, and take a look.

Valley of the Nile

Cairo Merchant

We hopped over to Cairo for the weekend.  It was amazing.  Our adventure started on the short (about an hour) plane ride on Egypt Air from Amman to Cairo.  The flight attendants made …

In the footsteps of T.E. Lawrence


On Friday, my sister and her family flew 12 hours non-stop to spend their spring break with us in Jordan.  We put together a fun filled week of Jordanian adventures for them, with …

PETRA:  by night and by day


We drove 3 hrs. to the ancient city of Petra near the town Wadi Musa late Thursday so we could be there in time to visit Petra at Night!  It was one of the most spectacular sights …

Desert Castles


This weekend we visited three desert “castles” on the way to Azraq in eastern Jordan.  These structures are called castles because of their size not because they housed nobility.

The …

Holy Moly

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We took a two day road trip this weekend. Friday/Saturday is the weekend in Islamic countries (Friday is the Muslim holy day) and the work week is Sunday thru Thursday. 

First we stopped …

Venturing out in Jordan


Today we went out on our first adventure.  We started off by car to the ancient city of Jerash north of Amman.  Jerash(Gerasenes in the Bible) has been inhabited for over 6500 years.

© Scudder Photography 2021