First days in Germany

Frankfurt Train Station

After landing in Germany we spent the first night in Frankfurt.

The next morning we made our way to the Bahnhof (an old building made of glass and metal) where we boarded a train for a 3 hour train ride through the Bavarian countryside.  It was hard to see much because the train moved so quickly. 

It has been a very difficult adjustment so far, since arriving in Bayreuth.  We have no car and have to walk everywhere, or take a bus.

For example:

Each day so far we have had to eat outside on the roof . . . .

 . . . walk to town through this park . . . . 

. . . .  past this palace . . . . 

. . . .  through these old rough streets . . . .

. . . . . . past cafe´ after cafe´ after fountain . . . . . 

. . . . . . just to reach the city center . . . . . 

. . . . and worst of all . . . . we have to walk back past all this just to get home.

© Scudder Photography 2021